Friday 29 September 2017

Development of Narrative and Performance Element

Our idea developed based research into revenge films/songs

The Other Women:

They took revenge on those who wronged them. There was a scene where she got revenge by putting a laxative in his drink, making him leave the table and have diarrhoea. This influenced our idea as we have taken this revenge idea for the ex girlfriend to do something to the boys drink and for him to suffer the consequences.

John Ticker Must Die:

In this film In order to get revenge the ex girlfriend spread a rumour that the boyfriend had herpes. We've taken this idea and develop it into a Facebook ‘frape’ in order to embarrass him.

Wrecking ball- Miley Cyrus:

In this music video one of the main props is a hammer. She smashes things to show her anger. In our music video we will adapt this idea through the use of photo frames of them as a couple. She will throw these photo frames against walls to connote 'we are never ever getting back together'

Wednesday 13 September 2017

Music Video feedback 2

Final Idea Prezi

Mood Board

A mood Board is an arrangement of Images, materials and pieces of text, with the intention to evoke or project a particular style or concept. I believe that our mood board connotes the idea of heartbreak and revenge, which i believe is portrayed through the numerous pictures of revenge acts and words saying 'i hate you'. We chose these photos to give our viewer an idea of the genre of our Music Video and what it will contain
A mood board s very helpful when trying to visualise our end products as through its bright but serious nature, the audience can expect to see a realistic Music Video. Our pictures show examples of props that we will use within our Music Video such as pills and smashing the playstation

Final Song Choice

As we found from our Final idea feedback, we found that we could not use our original song 'Smile' by Lily Allen, as our narrative would be too similar to the original Music video and so would therefore look like we would have directly copied it. Due to this we researched all revenge breakup songs and narrowed it down to a choice of 4 songs which include:

  • Heart Attack - Demi Lovato
  • Since you been gone - Kelly Clarkson
  • We are never getting back together - Taylor Swift
  • Hot n Cold - Katy Perry
We showed these 4 songs to a few people who fit the category of our target audience and they said they preferred the song 'We are never getting back together' as it was best appropriate for our idea, it can be successfully lip synced and the lyrics can easily match our narrative. The Taylor swift song is a pop song, which our audience would like so we therefore know that they would have an interest in our Music Video.

Tuesday 12 September 2017

Tips for Making a Better Music Video from No Film School

During our Media lesson, we watched clips from the Website No Film School to give us techniques to get a better Music Video grade. We watched Snippets from the maker of Stranger Things and 13 Reasons Why and gained an understanding on ho the following can improve our work:

  • Control of the Camera and the way in which panning, tilting, focus pulls and zooming and how they are used to create meaning 
  • Length of shot duration. In a music Video it is fine to play around with the same shot e.g. feature it once in slow motion and then repeating it again as a quick cut. Repetition of shots is accepted in a music video as long as the edit is different, if a music video is slow paced, it is ok to have a shot to go on for 10 seconds as long as there is variety in the camera movement e.g. pan/tilt/track
  • Lighting is also key for creating meaning - as we see in Stranger Things a dark subject matter e.g. sci-fi when lit in a certain way can set a mood or a tone
  • If you want to show the movement of a character walking/running it is best to film them from left to right from their left hand shoulder.

This video will influence our music video because of the creative shots and cuts shown throughout the video. For example, Match cuts are used. This can be demonstrated within our music video as we can do a closeup of the girl getting revenge, which then matches the boy receiving the revenge with his consequence. This can improve our music video as it can make it look more professional due to the range of camera angles and shots, which will enable us to have more to cut to and more to edit.