Thursday 24 November 2016

Adobe Photoshop

This is our poster called Split. We made this poster to develop our Photoshop skills. We used Adobe Photoshop 2017.  We started by collecting an image from Google.

The images we selected did not fit the screen or were facing the wrong way, so we used the transform tool to flip the pictures horizontally. The images we used all had backgrounds, so we used the quick selection tool to cut around the object we wanted, so it could be placed on the black background (which is a stereotypical colour used in horror films). We did this for both the faces so that they would be the only parts of the image used. In order to do this, we had to rasterise the smart object and inverse it so that we could delete the back part of the photos. On a separate layer we added the text, the blood drop and the fire. In order to get the text and the blood the same colour we used the lasso tool, meaning that the shades were the same.

Within the poster we kept the rule of thirds by using symmetry throughout and by placing the protagonists at the front layer, so the audience will see them immediately.

Tuesday 1 November 2016

Different types of Opening Sequences

What does it tell us: 
Image result for girl with the dragon tattoo- it shows us an introduction to the main characters
- gives us a sense of where it is set
- Tells us the era it is set in
- The genre of the film
- Tells us the title and the narrative of the film
- An understanding of the tone/ atmosphere of the film

The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo: 
- Only colours used are black and red showing that it is a dark film and gives us an idea of the genre
- Fast and loud rock music to show that there is a lot of action in the film
- You don't clearly see her face - mysterious
- Black ink to emphasise the tattoo and the name of the film
- Items thrown around in the air to show violence
- The keyboard and leads being thrown across the screen leads the narrative of hacking and technology
- You see the main villains face
- He is a journalist and she is a blogger, the ink connects them metaphorical and reveals information of the narrative

This is a discrete title sequence - The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
- this is a mini film before the film and helps to get the audience into the mood of the film not tell you what the film is about. it can give you an idea of the tone and the genre of the movie, A 'discrete' opening sequence also is often animated and includes a lot of editing work

The traditional title sequence - Drive 
-  a clear sense of genre
- establishes the location
- introduces the main characters
- You get a sense of the tone of the film
- You get a sense of the era of the film

Straight into the film -Scream
 there are no titles at all and the film starts directly with the action of the opening scene, this type of title sequence is far less common place and is more likely to be seen in a thriller or a horror.

The stylised opening sequence - Skyfall
is a combination of straight into it and discrete. It starts straight with the action scene, and the go into the discrete mini animated film.

I would use Traditional when making a film as it allows the audience to have a clear understanding of what the film would be about as they get a clear sense of tone,location,genre...

Jessica Jones Opening sequence:
Discrete title sequence as it has mysterious music
Tone is dark - it uses dark colours such as dark purple
Character are mysterious as you don't see there face and only the cartoon versions
 There is a vague sense of location which looks mysterious e.g alley way


- Weapons - knife
- blood and violence to heighten the fact that it is a horror film
- Isolated house
- Night Time
- Non- diegetic music which speeds up 
- Stereotypical victim - blonde innocent girl, clumsy
- Wearing a mask to cover identity
- He sees her but she cant see him 
- Synchronous diegetic sounds - popping of the corn, the smoke and noise adds to the effect
- Wide/long shot to show isolation
- Camera tracks her around the house, giving a sense that she is being followed.

Textual Analysis of Scream:

The first thing of which we initially see in the opening sequence of Scream is the Victim, we can instantly see how the character is stereotyped as a "dumb blonde" who is innocent and clumsy, Mise-en-scene is also used in the first scene as we notice that the girl is in a bright house, this contrasts to the outside which is very dark and is set at night time, the juxtaposition in light and dark represents the two characters of the villain and victim to be good and evil and to show the danger that the girl is getting herself into. The outside is presented through mise-en-scene. For example, the tree which is focused on is used to foreshadow her death.
          Through the use of editing, we can see that there is Match on Action of her picking up the phone, this emphasises her naivety and vulnerability and therefore enhancing the idea of her being a stereotypical character of being innocent and clumsy. Additionally, The slow pace along with a tracking shot gives us the effect that she is being followed and also signifies that someone is watching her, this adds to the tension of the film.
           Along with the tracking shot, the camera tilts down on her slowly, by doing this we are aware that the villain is more dominant and therefore also adds to the tension of the film. The camera uses fast zoom into a medium close up to highlight the characters innocence as it clearly allows the audience to focus on her blond hair and clean clothes, which also emphasise how stereotyped the character is.
            Sound is used throughout the opening sequence to add effect from start until the finish, Immedietly into the opeing sequence we hear both diegetic and non diegetic sound from her heartbeat  which is portrayed from a slow paced drum beat and from the phone ringing, helping to create suspense which is typical for a horror film. Furthermore, A diegetic sound of Animals helps to portray the setting of which the sequence is set in, crickets are used to signify that they are in an isolated location and a dogs bark is used to connote that there is danger and an intruder within the home.