Tuesday 1 November 2016


- Weapons - knife
- blood and violence to heighten the fact that it is a horror film
- Isolated house
- Night Time
- Non- diegetic music which speeds up 
- Stereotypical victim - blonde innocent girl, clumsy
- Wearing a mask to cover identity
- He sees her but she cant see him 
- Synchronous diegetic sounds - popping of the corn, the smoke and noise adds to the effect
- Wide/long shot to show isolation
- Camera tracks her around the house, giving a sense that she is being followed.

Textual Analysis of Scream:

The first thing of which we initially see in the opening sequence of Scream is the Victim, we can instantly see how the character is stereotyped as a "dumb blonde" who is innocent and clumsy, Mise-en-scene is also used in the first scene as we notice that the girl is in a bright house, this contrasts to the outside which is very dark and is set at night time, the juxtaposition in light and dark represents the two characters of the villain and victim to be good and evil and to show the danger that the girl is getting herself into. The outside is presented through mise-en-scene. For example, the tree which is focused on is used to foreshadow her death.
          Through the use of editing, we can see that there is Match on Action of her picking up the phone, this emphasises her naivety and vulnerability and therefore enhancing the idea of her being a stereotypical character of being innocent and clumsy. Additionally, The slow pace along with a tracking shot gives us the effect that she is being followed and also signifies that someone is watching her, this adds to the tension of the film.
           Along with the tracking shot, the camera tilts down on her slowly, by doing this we are aware that the villain is more dominant and therefore also adds to the tension of the film. The camera uses fast zoom into a medium close up to highlight the characters innocence as it clearly allows the audience to focus on her blond hair and clean clothes, which also emphasise how stereotyped the character is.
            Sound is used throughout the opening sequence to add effect from start until the finish, Immedietly into the opeing sequence we hear both diegetic and non diegetic sound from her heartbeat  which is portrayed from a slow paced drum beat and from the phone ringing, helping to create suspense which is typical for a horror film. Furthermore, A diegetic sound of Animals helps to portray the setting of which the sequence is set in, crickets are used to signify that they are in an isolated location and a dogs bark is used to connote that there is danger and an intruder within the home. 

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