Monday 13 November 2017

Lip Syncing Auditions

When analysing the auditions we took into consideration the lip syncing. We concluded as a group that Dani was the best. This is because she was most in sync with the lyrics, which is what is needed in order for the music video to be successful. Amber performed the worst lip sync because she was very out of time, making it not pleasing to look at. It was easy for us to make a decision at who was going to sing in our music video because the performances were drastically different in how good they did it. Also, in this video Dani was the most confident and we know this due to her movements, whereas the other two girls were less confident in front of the camera which is not idea for our music video. So, Dani is who we are going to use in our music video based on two things: confidence and the ability to lip sync.

Monday 6 November 2017

Last Minute Changes before Filming

We originally had Molly, but due to certain circumstances she was unable to be in our music video. We quickly got organised a asked a friend who sings to be the singer. Dani is 17 years old and is therefore the appropriate age as she fits in within our target audience. She is very confident, so she will not be shy to sing in front of the camera, which is just what we need!

We have asked in in advance to be free on the days we are filming and the times which we need her to and from. Dani also goes to our school, which is very convenient because one of the locations in our music video is the studio, which the school have. We will do this when we all have frees so that we don't have to go into lesson time. '

When filming Dani is going to wear make up, which will be eye catching; along with red lipstick to emphasise her star image. She is going to wear separate outfits in the chorus to when she is in the other locations. 

Wednesday 1 November 2017

Planning for our Film Day

As one of our locations to film in had a deadline, it was crucial for our group to plan beforehand and be organised. In order to do this we messaged our Actors to see when they were available to film. This worked well as Benjy told us the days he could not do and so we planned our own Film day around his. However, through this organisation, we realised that Molly would not be very Reliable as she was not able to film on the days of which we needed to. Because of this, Our group decided to change Artists to someone who would be able to film on the days of which we needed to.

Monday 30 October 2017

Lighting In Music Videos

Learning how to Colour Correct on adobe premiere pro

It was important for my group to learn how to colour correct on adobe premiere pro as we filmed on different days and in different locations. Therefore, the colouring in our music video may not be consistent so it is crucial for us to edit our footage in order for it to look more professional and consistent. Additionally, as our music video is of the pop genre, bright/ high key lighting will be important when showing the star image of our artist

Monday 23 October 2017

Shooting Day Schedule


We are filming over 2 days because we cant use a whole day due to appointments which cant be cancelled. We are doing a Friday for about 3 hours and then Sunday for most of the day. The two days will be filmed in different locations.


2:00 PM
Quick discussion as a group to tell each other what we are going to do for the afternoon. Run through the scenes that we will be doing in this location
Set up the equipment. Singer putting on their costumes and makeup on the singer.
Run through with the singer what she is going to be doing at each point in the song.
Film the spray paint scenes from several angles. Point of view shot, close up, wide shot, over the shoulder, extreme zoom.
Check any adjustments such as lighting and makeup. Look in the camera for this as this it what it will present like.
Molly (singer) also needs to sing by the graffiti. The whole song so it is easier to edit once we have finished and incase shots need to be changed.
Use hammer as a prop where she pretends to ‘hit the wall’ Over the shoulder shot. Use after effects to create the illusion of smashing the wall.
Review shots to see if we have filmed everything for this location.
Pack the equipment up and clear up any mess and prepare for Sunday and see what we need to do Sunday.


Review what was filmed on Friday to show the actor and singer
Go through the story board and tell them what they will be doing and practice any scenes which they feel unsure about.
The drone scene at the beginning of the song
Rehearse the fighting scene so everyone knows the best angles positions and will look better when filming
Film all the bedroom scenes with molly and our actor. The fighting scene from different angles: wide shot, front view, side view

Photo frame scenes, the smashing
Go to the suburbs to film the street photography with Molly (quiet street). Where she sings and throws clothes. Benjy and Molly sitting together to film for the flashback, shown in the photograph previously.
Sticky note scenes. Molly does this to one of our cars, which is supposed to be the ex boy friends car
Smashing the play station
In the bedroom hacking. Screen grab
Benji and Molly on the phone. Split screen. In two different locations e.g Molly in his room and Benji outside
Voice mail scene. Extreme close up of the phone
Drink scene in the kitchen where Molly puts the pill in the drink and Benjy walked in and she hands him the drink and Molly winks at the camera with an extreme close up of her eye.


We are using the studio in our school. So we will look at our time table and see when Molly is free. She will sing the whole song in the studio so it is easier to edit. We will use a range of camera angles in the studio., repeating the studio location throughout the song. We will find a 2 hour period in which we are all free. For example, double period in the morning

First 10 minutes
Set up the camera in the studio
15 minites in
Explain to molly that she needs to lip sync the entire song
20 minutes in
Record Molly from low angle, side view, extreme close up, over the shoulder shot, medium shot
1 hour and 30 minutes later
Review the shots and see if everything looks okay and record anything else in the studio if it needs as this will be appropriate time to do so.


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Wednesday 18 October 2017

Reasons for our Casting Choices

Email to the Record Company

Risk Assessment for Filming

The Risk
Risk Factor(High, medium, low)
How we will overcome these risks
Tripping over wires

As the equipment will come with wires to plug into the walls, it is important for our actors and everyone in our group to be extra careful and to look where they are going to make sure that they do not fall over and hurt themselves
Cutting ourselves on glass

During our music video, glass will be handled and it is part of our narrative that the singer will be breaking glass such as photo frames. Glass is very sharp and so it is important to handle it carefully so that we do not seriously hurt ourselves.
Inhaling the spray Paint

Spray paint is an important prop for our music video as It will be the main component for our Chorus. Spray paint can be toxic so it is important that we act sensibly when using it. We will make sure we do not mess around with the spray paint and do not spray it excessive amounts
Damaging the car

During our music video, we will be covering a car in sticky notes. This can damage the car by effecting the paintwork. We will overcome this risk by being careful how hard we stick down the notes and take them off.
Walking down the street
Walking down the street has a medium risk factor as it is possible that the equipment can get damaged or our actress/actor could get hurt. To overcome this we will be very careful when crossing the road and to make sure there are no cars around and to make sure we do not take our eyes off of the equipment

As we live in England, it is likely that it is going to rain which can damage the camera equipment. To overcome this we will try hard to cover the camera equipment and if the rain is too bad we could postpone the outdoor scenes for another day
Driving people to different locations

Our group is filming in two different locations and so we will be driving from one to the other. There is a slight risk when transporting the equipment as it is very fragile. Additionally, we have to be careful ourselves that we do not get in an accident. To make sure nothing happens we will make sure that we drive very carefully.

As we will be filming outside and near paint, we have to take into account that the Singer/ actors clothes can get ruined. We will make sure that we have spare clothing for them to change into.
The house (as it is being renovated)
One of the houses we are filming in is being renovated and so there is possible risks as it will be fragile and there will be a lot of building equipment such as hammers which can injure both us and the equipment. We will make sure we are extra careful where we film and try hard to stay out of the builders way