Wednesday 18 October 2017

Risk Assessment for Filming

The Risk
Risk Factor(High, medium, low)
How we will overcome these risks
Tripping over wires

As the equipment will come with wires to plug into the walls, it is important for our actors and everyone in our group to be extra careful and to look where they are going to make sure that they do not fall over and hurt themselves
Cutting ourselves on glass

During our music video, glass will be handled and it is part of our narrative that the singer will be breaking glass such as photo frames. Glass is very sharp and so it is important to handle it carefully so that we do not seriously hurt ourselves.
Inhaling the spray Paint

Spray paint is an important prop for our music video as It will be the main component for our Chorus. Spray paint can be toxic so it is important that we act sensibly when using it. We will make sure we do not mess around with the spray paint and do not spray it excessive amounts
Damaging the car

During our music video, we will be covering a car in sticky notes. This can damage the car by effecting the paintwork. We will overcome this risk by being careful how hard we stick down the notes and take them off.
Walking down the street
Walking down the street has a medium risk factor as it is possible that the equipment can get damaged or our actress/actor could get hurt. To overcome this we will be very careful when crossing the road and to make sure there are no cars around and to make sure we do not take our eyes off of the equipment

As we live in England, it is likely that it is going to rain which can damage the camera equipment. To overcome this we will try hard to cover the camera equipment and if the rain is too bad we could postpone the outdoor scenes for another day
Driving people to different locations

Our group is filming in two different locations and so we will be driving from one to the other. There is a slight risk when transporting the equipment as it is very fragile. Additionally, we have to be careful ourselves that we do not get in an accident. To make sure nothing happens we will make sure that we drive very carefully.

As we will be filming outside and near paint, we have to take into account that the Singer/ actors clothes can get ruined. We will make sure that we have spare clothing for them to change into.
The house (as it is being renovated)
One of the houses we are filming in is being renovated and so there is possible risks as it will be fragile and there will be a lot of building equipment such as hammers which can injure both us and the equipment. We will make sure we are extra careful where we film and try hard to stay out of the builders way

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