Tuesday 17 January 2017

Analysis of BBFC and Film Classification

Our thriller is going to have a rating of 15 as it contains scenes of violence and realistic context

What does this mean?
- this means that no one younger than the age of 15 may view a 15 film in the cinema. No one younger than the age of 15 may rent or buy a 15 rated video work

Is discrimination allowed?
- As a whole the work may not contain any discriminatory language or behaviour, although there may be discriminatory themes and language including: racism and homophobia

What type of behaviour may be shown?
- in order to consider the potential risk of imitable behaviour from teenagers, the film should not dwell on detail. For example suicide
whether deception of easily accessible weapons is acceptable will depend on factors such as realism, context and setting

Can you see drugs in a 15?
- drug taking may be used within a film of this rating however, the film should not encourage or promote drug misuse. The misuse of highly accessible and highly dangerous drugs will not be acceptable

Can there be strong language?
- very strong language may be permitted, depending on the manner of which it is used in, who is using it and its frequency

Is nudity allowed within a 15?
- nudity is permitted in a non-sexual or educational context. It may also be used in a sexual context but not in strong detail

What about sex?
- sexual activity may be used but not in strong detail
There may be strong references to sex and sexual behaviour, but strong or crude behaviour are unlikely to be accepted unless justified by the context

Can threat violence be used?
- there can be strong threat and horror, however a strong focus on sadistic or sexual threat may not be permitted
Violence may be strong but may not dwell on the infliction of pain. Strong sadistic violence may also not be acceptable
There may be verbal reference to sexual violence but the viewing of this may be discreet or justified by the context.

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