Friday 6 January 2017

Filming Day Schedule

We will be filming our opening sequence on the ............... In order for us to use our time effectively and wisely and for us to be efficient, we have produced a plan for the day we will film. This breaks down what needs to be done and tells us when we need to do it, it also allows us to be organised. 

 Brief to ensure that everyone knows what needs to be done and what we will be doing in the day and we have to come

Make-up and costumes - the boy will be dressed In all black and the girls makeup will be done 

Run through - we will run through each scene so that everyone is confident in what they need to do 

We will film the whole sequence every shot to make it easier for us when we edit. For example the first scene where the camera will pan across the polariods. The next shot is a close up of the mans hand so we will therefore run through the whole thing with a close up etc... 

Review shots (this is in case we decide we need to redo parts) 

carry on filming the different shots over again and make sure the shots run for the correct time. Also check any adjustments such as makeup and lighting. 

Review shots and check that we have everything we needed and have not missed out anything. In order for us to be able to stick to this schedule, we will need the storyboard and shot list on hand at all times to ensure that we don't waste time filming things we don't need. We will also need to have a watch or a phone on hand so that we can be aware of the time.

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