Tuesday 17 April 2018

Eval 3 - Questionnaire Feedback for our Music Video

From this, it is clear that we got overall positive feedback from their impression of our music video. Especially they colour, spray painting and the narrative.

From question 2, it is also clear that our narrative was clear, as most responses picked up the fact she was getting revenge from her boyfriend. This is positive feedback because it tells us that we clearly presented out narrative clearly through our editing and camera. 

Q3= All of our responses were correct in realising that it was a pop genre. This means that we conformed to common conventions of a pop music video, which is extremely positive. Meaning we used colours, locations and mine en seen successfully in order for people to know it is pop. 

Q4= Everybody said that the lip syncing was on time, which is very important in a music video. This means that by having in sync lip syncing, it portrays our music video as more professional, which is extremely good. 

Q5= Most of the responses were dedicated to the green screen, the transitioning and the split screen. It is important that they liked the editing techniques used because it enables the video to flow more easily and for the narrative to make sense. 

Q6= By all the responses selecting the same answer, it tells us that we represented our artist well. The revenge idea give this away, however whilst having an option of violence people could have picked this. However, because they didn't it shows our music video clearly portrays our artist star image well. 

Q7= Most of the people said that the locations were appropiate, which shows that overall they were, however only 2 people said they were sometimes relevant. This was expected due to the different locations that we used, but this is necessary for a music video as it it conventional to have a range of locations. 

Q8= Most recognised that our artist was similar to mostly Lily Allen and Taylor Swift. This demonstrates that we represented our star image well to similar artists. It was also noticed that she was similar to Zara Larson, this is goos because it was recognised that she is an upcoming artist, just as Zara Larson is. 

Q9= There was a variety of answers for this question, showing there was more than one element which was effective. The clear narrative was the most elected answer, which is important because if a music video doesn't have a clear narrative, the audience will not continue to watch it. Location was not picked as being an effective element, which could be because they felt others were more effective. 

Q10= The fact no one pressed 'No' emphasis that we used necessary props to match our narrative. This tells us that they have clear meanings, and are not just put in the music video for no reason. 

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