Thursday 12 April 2018

Evaluation Task 2

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Hey guys and welcome to media Mondays, on SJM Radio where we will be discussing the new and upcoming artist Dani Alexander, ever since her debut single ‘we are never ever getting back together’ was released last week, she has been trending on twitter with the hashtag #Danisrevenge and so we knew we must answer a few of the many asked questions.

1: How was Dani’s star image portrayed in the music video?

In the music video, we tried to portray Dani as being a synthetic pop artist but with a rebellious edge. One way we did this was through the use of clothing – unlike other pop artists we did not want to sexualise Dani and so therefore we dressed her in everyday clothing such as jeans and a denim jacket, this allows her fans to relate more to her as her style can be easily copied. Additionally, her actions of vandalism and spray painting shows her rebellious side which therefore differentiates her from other similar artists such as Louisa Johnson

2: What is the narrative about? And how did you portray it

The narrative is about Dani and how she went through a toxic breakup, the main aspect of the narrative is Dani going through a range of emotions and taking her anger out on him due to the fact he cheated. We definitely portrayed this narrative through the use of props for example. We used a playstation to which Dani would smash, this was used to represent how the ex-boyfriend ruined the relationship and so therefore it shows Dani to take a dominant role and get revenge, rather than being sad and upset. This is different to other artists such as Taylor swift who usually creates narratives about the sad aspect of her breakups.

2: What genre is Dani’s Music:

Dani’s Music is mainly in the pop genre, as it is fast beat, her music video includes bright colours and no instruments are involved. The pop genre is suitable for Dani as she is young and so therefore would want to provide upbeat and fun music for her Fans, the song we are never ever getting back together is very catchy and so therefore this will allow her audience to promote it on social media and through their friends. The song is about a relationship breakup and so therefore it is similar to other pop artists such as Taylor Swift who is known to frequently sing about breakups and her past relationships.

3: What ways have you promoted your artist?

As our main target is the ages from 15-25, we knew that it would be important to promote Dani on online media such as on social media, YouTube and streaming services such as Spotify. This is because it is easily accessible for Dani’s fans to listen and share her music with their friends. We created Dani a website so that they can also subscribe to her and get constant updates throughout her career.

4: Who is Dani’s main target audience?

Dani’s main target audience is within the ages 15-25, this is because Dani is 20 years old and so therefore can easily relate to a young target audience as she is fun and attractive and so therefore can target a wide audience of both males and females

5: How does the Music Video, Digipak and website sell her image to her fans?

The colour scheme was very important for us, we decided to use bright colours within the music video and we kept a fluent shade of pink throughout the digipak and website, this is important in establishing continuity and so therefore, it allows all three of our media products to be easily recognised by the fans. Additionally, a picture of Dani is placed as the main attraction on the digipak and website, this relates to the music video as we included a lot of close ups, this allows us to emphasise her synthetic pop image. The style of outfits in all three media products are similar, for example, on all the jackets she wears, they have been sprayed with paint, this again enhances the rebellious side of her star image, it also allows our products to be more cohesive due to the fact that spray paint is a significant part of the music video as it makes up the majority of the chorus and the title of the album is represented by spray paint. The font is also the same throughout the website and Digipak, this will allows us to establish a brand for Dani as it means that fans will be able to recognise her music.

6: Who influenced Dani’s Music?

One of the main influences for Dani’s style of music is Lily Allen due to the fact that she is also edgy and is differentiated to other artists. Lily Allen is another synthetic pop artist that sings about real life experiences and has a large target audience, this shows that she is a good choice to for Dani to look up to as it means that Dani can also target loads of people as she can present herself as relatable. Additionally, Dani’s ex boyfriend was a major inspiration as he influenced and provided inspiration for We are never ever getting back together as the song is a tribute to their breakup.

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