Thursday 12 April 2018

Evaluation Task 1

What are codes and conventions?
codes and conventions are the predictable and familiar forms and techniques used by the media to communicate certain ideas or to convey a desired impress. Codes are merely a system of signs used to convey a meaning. They are divided into three categories:

  • technical: includes - camera angles, sound and lighting, framing, juxtaposition and composition, lighting and depth of field including the rule of thirds 
  • symbolic: includes - the clothing, colour, body language, dress and actions of the characters
  • written: includes - headlines, captions, style font choice, graphic design etc.
conventions are generally established ways of doing something and are unspoken rules that we learnt to accept and identify. Conventions become so familiar and natural that they become the expected, for example, bright colours are expected in a synthetic pop music video. Additionally, conventions can be used, supported and reiterated. The conventions can be applied in different media concepts such as narrative and genre.

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