Wednesday 11 April 2018

Feedback for our Final Music Video

The feedback we recieved from our focus group was mixed but mostly positive, we found many things out and understood what our audience was understanding. When asked if the narrative was clear and easy to understand 100% of the feedback was positive, everyone seemed to think it was really clear and they liked it, one person said they understood that the narraitve was about a breakup and how the girl really did not want to get back together with her boyfriend and therefore was performing all these acts. Multiple times it was said they liked the editing and understood specific editing techniques were used to represent the history of the breakup, e.g. through the split screen whilst on the phone going back and forth. A couple of people said the lip synching was in time and effective however one person thought this was not true and was off at one point. Another negative said was how the shots were sometimes too long, this was because we did not anticipate the length of the song. Another huge positive from two people was the colour correction and how it made the video warm and this was very effective in the flashback. Overall we are very happy with our feedback, our positive answers were very good and our negatives were anticipated.

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