Sunday 25 September 2016

Poster Analysis

denotation - to discuss a text at a denotative level; i.e you describe what you see

Connotative- after this you discuss what these elements may mean or signify

Sherlock Holmes:
- staring directly into the camera
- darkness which signifies that it takes place at night time
- metal boarder shows coldness and how the film may include prison
- Holmes is at the front, showing that he is the most important

Run Lola Run:
- the red shows danger
- picture not in focus, something unknown behind her?
- tattoo, signify that she is not innocent/ she is rebellious
- repetition of run, shows more than 1 problem/ multiply connotations

Pulp fiction:
- looks frayed and 10 cents sign shows that it is an old film, low rent detectives, violence, gangsters
- gun signifies violence
- her outfit signifies sexuality to target men as the audience
- she is wealthy and proud of herself - shown by her nails
- red lighting shows blood and violence

The Shining:
- his facial expressions - looks like he's watching someone
- extreme close up - to show the expression on his face
- greasy hair and bags under eyes - crazy?
- red and black colours - portrays what genre it is placed in - horror?

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