Monday 26 September 2016

Using examples using examples of sound and mise-en-scene, explain how the bride is represented         
differently in the 2 scenes 

In the first scene, the two main types of sound used are diegetic and synchronous sound. these are used to portray the brides vulnerability and the two men's dominance over her. we hear a lot of panting and crying noises, which represent the Bride's fear and also showing that she has no hope; with impending doom. The loud panting also connoted the idea of chlosrtraphobia, showing that she has no control over the situation she is in. However, in the second scene, there is a use of non diegetic  sound of music. There is a slow beat signifying her heart and how now she is calm and in control. The speeding up of the music is also used to signify hope and how she will eventually escape. it represents also optimism through the style and the speed of the music, in contrast with the first scene.

Mise-en-scene is also used throughout the first and second scene to portray and represent the bride, and how she changes from one scene to the other. Setting is a main component throughout both of the scenes of Kill Bill volume 2. For example in scene, they use crickets to connote how isolated she is, this isolated setting also signifies how there is no hope, due to the fact that there is nothing around her. The lighting is also different in both scenes, the torch for example shows and darker and smaller light, it was also filmed with mainly white and black colours. This signifies no hoe and also represents. death. However, in the second scene, the lighting gets much brighter, portraying hope and optimisms. Additionally, lighting makes the coffin look bigger, changing the setting they are in and therefore representing a change in the Brides feelings from stressed to calm. The feeling of clanes and cleverness is also portrayed through the use of props e.g the boot and the knife.

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