Thursday 29 September 2016

Editing Techniques

continuity editing techniques - This is the invisible editing style, used by Hollywood

eye line match - when we see someones eye line and see what they are looking at

Cross cutting - two different scenes,shown at the same time, they happen simultaneously to show that the two scenes will join

Match On Action - the action matches the outcome

Cut away - when you insert something into a shot to give in meaning

Jump cut - a tiny/split second cut in a sequence that moves the action forwards; it shows the passing of time and adds and sense of urgency

Fade in/ fade out - is used to change a scene, often in a horror film

Dissolve - one shot blends into another, it can show the passing of time, what the characters are thinking about

Wipe - it wipes one scene off the scree, replacing it with another one immediately

Sound Bridge - is a piece of music that links two scenes together, it is used to add continuity to a scene, and make it look like there has been no editing

Montage - is many quick shots put together to speed up time

Split screen - two actions in two different locations on the screen at the same time

Flash back - goes into someones mind/ past event to provide context and a back story for a character

Slow motion - builds suspense, used in fight scenes and rom coms etc... it reinforces the action

Pace - slow pace, for sadness and genre, to show dialogue that is important to the narrative
Fast pace, high intensity action

Shot reverse shot - used to convey information during a conversation

Reaction shot - focuses on a character and shows the reaction to a situation

camera time - the amount of time the camera spends following or with a particular person, The more time you invest in a character shows that they are more important

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