Friday 30 June 2017

Lip Syncing Task

 My group and I, filmed our Prelim music Video on an iPhone using an app called Video Star, which allowed us to choose a song, add effects and easily cut to the beat. The song we chose was 'Shape of you' by Ed Sheeran. The reason we chose this song was because it is a very current song which was number 1 in the charts, therefore because of this we thought it would be good to use as everyone would know the lyrics, making it easier to lip Sync during the filming. However, all though everyone in my group knew the words to the song, we found it extremely difficult to lip sync due to the fast pace and quick beat of the song, meaning that it was hard of us to mouth the lyrics in time of the beat. The app Video Star allowed us to use a vast range of effects and filters, which we used accordingly to the narrative of the song. For example when the lyrics mentioned love, we put in heart filters around the footage, this allowed our video to relate to the narrative and so therefore our audience would be able to understand the music video.

 If I were to re-do this prelim task, I would make sure to spend more time planning in advance due to the fact that there are a lot of factors to take into consideration, such as: Actors, Location and song choice. For example, when filming we used female actors however, the artist of the song chosen is male, this make the music video look less realistic and therefore will not give off a good effect to the audience. Additionally, Due to the fact that we had limited time, we were not able to complete the full song.

Therefore, when filming our real music video we will create and story board and plan the music video in advance, to ensure we can make it the best it could possibly be.

Overall, This was a good draft, and I am happy with the outcome as it enabled us to see what our future music should look like and what it should include. It has taught me important skills and allowed me to practice lip syncing and cutting to the beat

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