Thursday 29 June 2017

Narrative Theories in Music Video's

Todorov - He proposes that all texts have a narrative structure. He states that their are 5 stages to each narrative structure and he analyses old Russian folk tales in order to demonstrate his theory.
He argues that we have the following:

  • Equilibrium - The normality at the beginning 
  • Disruption - An event occurs to disrupt the normality
  • Acknowledgement - When the main protagonist understands that he/she needs to act in order to restore normality/equilibrium 
  • Attempt to Restore - Is the act of fighting/rectifying the problem in order to solve the issue.
  • New equilibrium - Is the restoration of normality, However, due to the act/journey under taken by the protagonist, this is a new normal as the old version of normality no longer exists and can never be replicated.
The Narrative structures do not have to come in a specific order and can often start at the point of disruption or acknowledgement and then work in a non-linear fashion towards the new equilibrium.

Vladimir Propp - Russian Folklorist in the early of the 20th century. He said that there are only ever 7 different character types that exist in literature. 
  • Hero
  • Donor
  • Helper 
  • Villain
  • Princess
  • False Hero
  • Dispatcher
He added that it is not a necessity for all 7 character types to appear in the plot, but after analysing a range of different folk tales and literature observed that these 7 character types were the mainstays of all fiction and therefore media texts.

Enrique Inglesias - Hero
  • This music Starts at the point of Disruption as it appears that someone has been robbed and the main 'princess' and 'hero' have run off together
  • Acknowledgment then occurs when Enrique realises he needs to fight the Villain in order to win the princess. He cannot Escape the Villain and restore equilibrium without first fighting him to win her and the money
  • Attempt to Restore Happens when the Hero and the Villain meet up in the desert and have a fight to the death, so that the winner can take the money and win the princess. However, the Princess calls for Helpers 
  • Unfortunately, the Helpers do not get there in time and Enrique dies
  • In the New Equilibrium, the Villain is arrested, the Hero dies and the Princess is heartbroken but runs away with all the money

Band of Horses - Dilly
  • Equilibrium - The town people are fine and the bikers are also fine because they have not realised that they were going to end up in trouble with the towns people.
  • Disruption - The Bikers realised they were not liked in the bar and in turn, they react in a way that they shouldnt 
  • Acknowledgement - The bar people called the police
  • Attempt to Restore - The shoot out between the bikers and the police
  • New equilibrium - The Bikers ride off into the sunset 

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